Tuesday, October 6, 2009

True Religion is This

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to share with my friends in Brownsville on the topic of True Religion. I didn’t use the phrase “damned religion” in church but the thought went through my head. So did the following image…

At one table: the folks who practice Damned Religion sit. Their traditions are lifeless, meaningless… they stand up, sit down, kneel at the right times… but there is no relationship, no compassion, no love in their motions. Talking about the folks “in church”? Sure. But also those that practice their brand of religion in front of the TV or computer, at the bar or arena or even the office… Some of the most religious folks I know never step foot in a church.

At a second table, the folks who practice True Religion sit. They have traditions… but it’s only part of the bigger picture. These folks… you will see them everywhere and you will know them… because of their love.

Folks who practice Damned Religion are an rowdy bunch… they love a good fight, especially if they can instigate it, but they have no greater purpose. It sure looks like a fun bunch until you realize they just do the same thing… over and over and over, again.

If those guys are rowdy, folks who practice True Religion are downright unruly. They run toward the fight, they are the first to help someone in need, they give out of their own need, they risk more, live with less, are willing to suffer and die for a cause and, more importantly, willing to live with purpose… and, in doing all of this: they rejoice with an unruly love.

As I meditated on such thoughts, imagine my surprise to receive a letter from my friend Robert. Robert runs an orphanage in Tanzania. This is part of that note:

“We cannot carry out the program due to lack of funding. And to make matters more worse, Tanzania was hit bad by drought and many will be starving to death. The scarcity of food has forced prices up. This is Scary! I have been experiencing sleepless nights thinking and looking for some ways on how manage with such the situation.”

You see, Tanzania has been hit by three catastrophes… AIDs/HIV has killed over 1.4 million Tanzanians and has created over 1 million orphans. Robert and his wife Mariam have dedicated their lives to serving the most vulnerable in their country. They provide food, clothing, shelter, education and their love and lives to 200 orphans. Now, a drought has come upon them and that drought has led to food shortages and leading toward famine.

Practicing True Religion is simple… be separated from worldly cares and concerns and care for those that are the most vulnerable among us. The vulnerable are widows and orphans. So, I was moved by conviction, as much as compassion, to send financial help and to share this story with you.

When you practice religion today, which table will you be with?

If you are looking for an opportunity to test your convictions, to sit at the table of True Religion and experience its blessing… please consider the Good Samaritan Orphanage in Tanzania. Their website is
www.gsotanzania.com; there you will find more information and directions on how to contribute. Of course, I would be pleased to answer your questions and provide more information.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This is an Answer to Prayer, You will be Blessed

Last Thursday, the 22nd of January, I received a call from a crisis pregnancy center. Only a few days before I had sent a note introducing myself and an idea we had to partner with them.

“…We are wondering if there is a need and interest at Options to provide short-term housing for women in your care who are pregnant or caring for a newborn. We are able to donate a portion of the rent as well as partner through our non-profit ministry to make required additional costs very small. We can also provide encouragement and emotional support.”

The director of the center had a family in mind that desperately needs help. They have been praying and rejoiced at the news of this offer.

Later that evening I spoke with “T” who has a little baby girl and is six months pregnant. She and her husband are functionally homeless. So we are providing them with a home for the next 12 months.

I look forward to sharing more about this amazing story. The director of the center ended our conversation with the statement “you will be blessed”. We are.

We will be compiling a list of items this young family needs over the next days and weeks. If you would like to support them in any way, please let me know. You will be blessed.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Murtha to Bring Gitmo to Western PA

Rep. Jack Murtha has managed to keep quiet since his "racists and redneck" statements about his district. No more. I haven't decided to laugh, cry or be angry... (the distance between the lines above represents the distance between my house and the local/state prison)

Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., says he'd be willing to house prisoners from Guantanamo Bay in his congressional district if President Obama makes good on a plan to close the U.S. prison there.
As one of his first acts in office, the president circulated a draft Wednesday that would shut down Guantanamo Bay within a year.

Murtha only has a minimum security prison in his district. But he says he'd have no reservations about holding detainees there in a maximum security prison.

"Sure, I'd take 'em," said Murtha, an outspoken critic of the Iraq war. "They're no more dangerous in my district than in Guantanamo."

Murtha added that there was "no reason not to put 'em in prisons in the United States and handle them the way they would handle any other prisoners."

Monday, January 5, 2009

Merry Christmas

As we wind down the final days of Christmastide and head back to work, school and all of our 'realities'... take a look and listen to the video as a reminder of the Reality of All Seasons...