Thursday, October 30, 2008

2008 Voter's Guide


October 30, 2008

Harrisburg, PA– Good news! More than four thousand Pennsylvania citizens are logging onto, the latest family-friendly, interactive Web site for voter information!

The Pennsylvania Family Institute has published an easy-to-use, interactive, non-partisan Voter Guide available at The site employs the latest technology to allow users to enter their zip code to access all candidates on their local ballot, their views on key issues, and campaign contact information.

The Pennsylvania Family Institute has been publishing impartial, non-partisan voter information since 1991. This year will cover the races for President, U.S. House, State Row offices, state House and state Senate.
"Pennsylvania voters want to know where the candidates stand on issues and how to contact their campaigns, and they have the right to know", stated Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute.

"Candidates are spending millions of dollars trying to convince voters to remember a name or a face or a sound bite. digs deeper to the level where issues intersect faith, family and Pennsylvania's future."

To view the Presidential portion of the Pennsylvania Family Institute voter guide, please visit

Pennsylvania Family Institute, 23 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

Obama Record and Policy Statements on Abortion

According to

1. Obama is undecided on whether life begins at conception - Saddleback Church Forum Aug 16th, 2008. Obama voted against born alive protections for abortion survivors four times, and voted against a ban on partial-birth abortion in the Illinois state senateSOURCES: http://www.bornalivetruth.orgAudacity of Hope written by Barack Obama

2. Obama has pledged to Planned Parenthood to sign The Freedom of Choice Act, a law which would cancel every state, federal, and local regulation of abortion, no matter how modest or reasonable. It would even abolish all state restrictions on government funding for abortions. Catholics that pay income tax will be paying an abortionist to perform an abortion. It would also abolish state laws that protect Catholic doctors and nurses from losing their jobs if they refuse to participate in abortions. It would abolish requirements for parental notification and informed consent for mothers who consider the procedure. – Obama speech to Planned Parenthood, July 17, 2007 He is endorsed by pro-Abortion industry leader Planned Parenthood and has a 100% NARAL voting record. -

3. Obama would repeal the Mexico City policy, which bars federal funding for international nongovernmental organizations involved in abortion-related services and would pit the US against the Vatican on the international fight against abortion.

4. He strongly supports the 1973 Supreme Court decision on abortion rights and says he will oppose any constitutional measure to overturn it. - SOURCE:

5. Obama has pledged to choose Justices with a Pro Abortion agenda and he voted against Roberts and Alito. SOURCE:

6. Obama voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions and prohibiting minors crossing state lines for abortion. SOURCE:

7. Obama supports the destruction of embryos for experimentation and voted to expand research to more embryonic stem cell lines. SOURCE:

8. He voted yes on $100M to fund contraceptives for teens and sponsored bill providing contraceptives for low-income women. SOURCE:

9. Voted no on defining unborn child as eligible for SCHIP a program that gives funds to states in order to provide health insurance to families with children. SOURCE:

10. He opposed the federal marriage amendment in 2006 and also favors repealing the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which gives a state the right not to recognize same-sex marriages performed in another state. SOURCE:

Contact (312) 201-6559 or

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Don't Complain

I count my family and friends among my greatest blessings. This past weekend provided a powerful reminder of the love borne from the intimacy of family and the love that transcends culture, distance and infrequent visit. We were truly blessed to host Father Robert and his wife Mariam who are visiting the States from Tanzania. We spent the weekend eating (a lot), telling stories, taking hayrides, roasting marshmallows, picking pumpkins…

The kids enjoyed the near singular focus on having fun and especially Robert’s mesmerizing stories of encounters with giant snakes, lions and elephants. I doubt I will forget the picture of Robert sitting on the floor and the face of the kids as he weaved the story of starting an elephant stampede while riding his bicycle… lesson: don’t ring a bell to move an elephant.

Robert’s visit has a very serious nature. Quite frankly, it makes the current “crisis” in the United States look more like an “event” or maybe a “mild debacle”. The AIDs epidemic in Tanzania has claimed over one-third of the population and has created 1,500,000 orphans. The numbers and the need are staggering.

Robert and Mariam, in their love for God, have great compassion on the orphans of Tanzania. They began by bringing in 8 orphans to their home in 1996 and now run an orphanage with 120 children and an additional 80 for whom they care. Life is not easy in the orphanage with only six helpers, no electricity, and clean water two miles away.

They have a vision of hope. Real hope in the midst of real suffering. A hope that comes from the simple gratitude for food, clothing and shelter… of being educated to serve community, country and God… and being adopted into a family temporal and eternal.

Robert’s message on Sunday was simple: don’t complain. God provides, God sustains, God blesses.

This week, I have complained about bad weather, late flights, inadequate hotel accommodations, late dinners, too much work, other people, sore muscles, … shall I go on?

I hear Robert’s deep voice as he surveys my family… “Mark, you are truly blessed.” I am.

And… You are.

The needs of the orphanage are simple: electricity and water. To connect to the “grid” is costly, about $25,000. I can choose to hide behind economic certainty, too many bills, too much need. Or I can choose to give out of a multitude of blessing. We will do the latter and have pledged $1,000 to Good Samaritan Orphanage.

If you feel compelled to help, please contact me and I will provide the details.

You can also visit the Good Samaritan Orphanage website and donate there.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Racist Western Pennsylvania

Not only does John Murtha refer to his constituents as racists but also "confused, despondent and unhappy." Unbelievable.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Around the Dinner Table

Politicians love to connect with the American public by presuming they know what we discuss “around the dinner table”. Over the past few weeks, I have had numerous dinner conversations with many people from many walks of life from many parts of the world.

The obvious common threads include the US election and the global economy. I hear some of the usual sound bites about McCain, Palin and Obama. And I am quick to relay my sentiment that none of the candidates represent my view of government, industry or religion. I express my disappoint in the collective lack of experience, lack of plan and lack of inspiration. I am finding that many people agree.

This is, of course, an unscientific focus group. But, then again, so is the presumption that Biden or Palin (as in the VP debate) know what we are talking about. In fact, we are not talking about a paycheck, we are not talking about our health care and we are not talking about our mortgage. We are collectively wondering, “Is this the best America has to offer?”

Where is the genius of Adams? The ability in inspire government like Henry? The clear articulation of Jefferson? The perseverance of Lincoln?

Where is sacrifice? Where is humility? Where is might? Where is truth? Where is righteousness? Where is leadership?

Where are the great men who stood with these great leaders? Where is the church? Where is the fire of the revolution? Where is America?

I lament. I weep.

I was recently at dinner with a multi-national group of businessmen. The conversation deepened with a man from France and a man from Spain. They wondered, with admiration, how can a nation that is so different remain so united. I quickly turned them to one of the greatest vision statements ever written “We the People of the United States of America.”

A statement so simple and profound but yet would bind together a dispersed and diverse group of people, give birth to a nation and hold her together for over 200 years.

Read the Preamble and know who we are. Know justice, liberty and freedom and you know what we cherish. Know God and you know who gives us hope, who inspires, and who comforts.

It is not time for America to change. It is time for her to return to the ideals that make her great and to the God who demonstrates his mercies and is always ready to forgive and welcome.

And the truth is… I must be ready to return.

I must be quick to offer forgiveness, to show compassion and to love.

Not just some distant people or those on the other side of the aisle but my friends, my family and my neighbor.

Change, whether its revival or revolution, starts in the heart of man.

How is your heart?

DeWeese Knew of Bonuses

The former chief of staff to House Democratic leader Bill DeWeese testified in court Wednesday that DeWeese knew bonuses were paid to reward legislative employees for their help on political campaigns. See full story...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Diocese of Pittsburgh Votes for Realignment

The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh overwhelmingly votes for realignment.

Clergy 121 aye and 33 nay

Laity 191 aye and 69 nay

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Get Out the Vote

Join me on

It is an exciting opportunity to be part of the start of something new.

We can help shape the movement and have a voice in its future.

I hope you will join.