Thursday, December 20, 2007

With Gratitude

There are many ways we can serve our country. Few, if any, require the discipline and sacrifice of our military. I came across this campaign and simple gesture to express gratitude to those who serve our country.

I encourage you to take a moment to say thanks the next time you see a man or women in uniform. Please check out the gratitude campaign for more information and ideas.


Vision. It separates mediocrity and greatness, chaos and direction, impotence and power.

It causes men to try the impossible, it brings them to their knees, it leads them to their death.

Vision identifies us, it unites us, it moves us and it makes us.

In the right hands, man is better and mankind benefits. In the wrong hands, malevolence reigns.

Vision took us to the moon, it freed the slaves and it founded our country.

Vision transcends one man. Vision is generational. True vision is eternal.

Vision should not be taken lightly. It should be considered. It should be respected. It should be acted upon.

If you are an elected official, I pray you have vision for your constituency.
If you are a pastor, I pray you have vision for your congregation.
If you are a teacher, I pray you have a vision for your classroom.
If you are a parent, I pray you have a vision for your family and children.

I pray you have vision.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Freedom and Peace

Yesterday morning in BRT, we covered Mark 5. In this chapter, we see Jesus encounter three key people: a demon possessed man, a woman who suffers from a great illness, and a dead girl. If you read this chapter, you will see suffering, then fear and then amazement, astonishment, freedom and peace.
Jesus demonstrates his power over demons, illness and even death. In each situation, the person is miraculously changed from their Old Self to their New Self.

If Jesus has power over demons, illness and even death… he certainly has power over the situation you are in. As each of the persons in Mark 5 approached Jesus, I suggest you approach him who created you. He will change you, save you from the situation you are in, redeem you for his purpose and for his love.

This is the heart of the message yesterday morning. As we taught and preached, the words of the gospel and love of God penetrated the hearts of some of these young folks. They are hurting, hiding and lonely. They know there is a great void in their life. I don’t know their specific situation but I know they suffer. Pray that they would approach God with a heart intent on change… that they would lead a life of freedom and peace.

A Constant Struggle

There are so many people in Brownsville that want to see our community succeed. Recently, a group of high school students participated in a program to highlight their plan to revive Brownsville. This past week, they and their sponsor made a video presentation to over 100 people at an event held by the Young Preservationists Association in Pittsburgh. It was reported that the presentation was “dynamite”.

The sad news is that when the teacher returned home from the event, her home was found ransacked and robbed. The State Police are investigating. Please do pray for all of those who struggle to make a difference in Brownsville. Too often, each step forward is met by two steps back.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

BRT 2007

This year at Bible Released Time we are reading and studying the Gospel of Mark. We have a (mostly) attentive class that runs the gamut in spiritual maturity. There are serious students, sleeping students, and at least one drug dealer.

Our objective with this year’s format is to help the students to understand how to read and study the Bible. We are reading and listening to it through The Bible Experience project. The discussions are always enjoyable and always non-linear… we are constantly expecting the unexpected comment or question. It keeps us sharp.

The basic premise we are teaching them about reading the bible is simple

• Read to understand
• Seek the spiritual teaching
• Apply the word to your life

How do we do this?

1. Pray

Pray that this part of God’s Word would be a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Ps 119:105). Pray that this Word would dwell in you richly (Col 3:16). Pray that God would give you insight and understanding into the passage (2 Tim 2:7).

2. Read it and ask the basic questions.

Who? What? Where? Why? When?

3. Read it and ask some harder questions.

• What did I learn about God?
• What did I learn about myself?
• What lessons about life have I learned?
• What can I do this week based on what I learned?

4. Read it and live it

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Huckabee in Brownsville

The Brownsville Experience is placing it's endorsement with Mike Huckabee. Who are you endorsing? The following three links are designed to help you understand how your views are algined with those running for office. They are listed in order of increasing complexity and time. The first one takes about 1 minute, the second one less than 5 minutes and the third one... I'm still working on.

Also! I'm asking for your help. Regardless of who you are supporting, would you help get Brownsville's good name out to the Huckabee campaign? If everyone who reads The Brownsville Experience would click through the link on the right of the page, I'm sure we would raise to the top of the Demand List. Your support is appreciated.

I Cry at the Ballet

I am shocked that I admit it. The ballet has been a foreign concept to me my entire life. Now, with three daughters in a production of the Nutcracker, I have come to appreciate the ballet. More than appreciate it. I just wept through the entire first act.

There is the grace and elegance of the performance.

There is an admiration for all the hard work and sacrifice… from lessons to try-outs to practice to rehearsal to production.

There is an appreciation for the production crew, the teachers, the parents and everything that must “go right” and often does.

And most of all I realized that this culminates in a performance that, just for a moment, each person on the stage becomes the embodiment of all the hard work, the instruction, the coaching, the sacrifice, and the love they have for their art and the love of those that support them. At that moment, all cares and worries, all sweat and toil, all sacrifice and discipline is forgotten. At that moment, they are perfect in who they are and what they do. Such is the picture of Heaven Eternal. I cry at the ballet.