Saturday, December 15, 2007

Freedom and Peace

Yesterday morning in BRT, we covered Mark 5. In this chapter, we see Jesus encounter three key people: a demon possessed man, a woman who suffers from a great illness, and a dead girl. If you read this chapter, you will see suffering, then fear and then amazement, astonishment, freedom and peace.
Jesus demonstrates his power over demons, illness and even death. In each situation, the person is miraculously changed from their Old Self to their New Self.

If Jesus has power over demons, illness and even death… he certainly has power over the situation you are in. As each of the persons in Mark 5 approached Jesus, I suggest you approach him who created you. He will change you, save you from the situation you are in, redeem you for his purpose and for his love.

This is the heart of the message yesterday morning. As we taught and preached, the words of the gospel and love of God penetrated the hearts of some of these young folks. They are hurting, hiding and lonely. They know there is a great void in their life. I don’t know their specific situation but I know they suffer. Pray that they would approach God with a heart intent on change… that they would lead a life of freedom and peace.

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