Thursday, December 20, 2007


Vision. It separates mediocrity and greatness, chaos and direction, impotence and power.

It causes men to try the impossible, it brings them to their knees, it leads them to their death.

Vision identifies us, it unites us, it moves us and it makes us.

In the right hands, man is better and mankind benefits. In the wrong hands, malevolence reigns.

Vision took us to the moon, it freed the slaves and it founded our country.

Vision transcends one man. Vision is generational. True vision is eternal.

Vision should not be taken lightly. It should be considered. It should be respected. It should be acted upon.

If you are an elected official, I pray you have vision for your constituency.
If you are a pastor, I pray you have vision for your congregation.
If you are a teacher, I pray you have a vision for your classroom.
If you are a parent, I pray you have a vision for your family and children.

I pray you have vision.

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